Here is what to do:
3 tee shirts
Sewing Machine
24 inch Zipper

1. Cut the first shirt that you want for the bodice down the middle of the front.
2. Cut a good size band off the bottom of the second shirt. The shirt that you want for the bottom band of your shirt.
3. Cut that band down the middle and pin it to the first shirt lining up the middle and sides.
4. Stitch the seam.
5. Using a seam ripper remove the sleeves from the first shirt and save the sleeves you will be making pockets with them later.
6. Using a seam ripper remove the sleeves from the third shirt and pin them to the first shirt.
7. Sew the sleeves on to the shirt.
8. Using a piece of cardboard cut out a template in the shape of a hood.
9. Using the template cut the shape of a hood out of the third shirt lining the face edge of the hood up with the hem of the shirt.
10. Pin the hood onto the neck of the shirt and stitch a seam.
11. Turn the sleeves of the first shirt inside out and stitch the bottom closed.
12. Turn the sleeves back right side out and stitch them to the front and bottom of the bodice.
13. Pin the zipper to each side of the bodice and stitch it on.
14. Put on the Sweatshirt and Enjoy!!