Saturday, December 5, 2009

Parachute Paraphernalia

I am a soccer player at my high school and often end up carrying on average three or four bags to school! I could not stand it! I would have three classes and finally soccer, but in between all of those classes I would have to lug around everything that I had to bring to school. I finally decided on a solution. I was going to make a bag that would fit everything I needed.

Two old, broken umbrellas
2 cloth belts or handles from another broken bag
18 inch zipper
6x6 square template


1. Separate the umbrella fabric from the metal framing using scissors.

2. Wash the umbrella fabric and let it dry.
3. Using a 6x6 square template cut out 6 squares from one umbrella and 8 from the other.

4. Lay out how you want your bag to look.
5. Get 2 of the 6 squares you cut and place the 2 squares right sides together, pin, and stitch down the bottom side.
6. Fold the seam allowance to one side and sew a top stitch to hold it in place.
7. Take another square from the 6 squares you cut and use it for a pocket, fold down the top of it twice making a small hem. Sew on the top and bottom of the hem.
8. Place the pocket where you want it on the middle panel and mark it.
9. Pin the pocket to where your marks are on the panel and sew right sides together.
10. Fold the pocket up and sew down the left and right sides of the pocket to hold it in place.
11. Get 2 of the eight squares you cut out, pin right sides together, stitch a seam along the bottom side, open and and stitch a top stitch.
12. Get 2 more squares and repeat step 11
13. Pin the 2 panels you just made to the middle panel with the pocket. Pin right sides together one on each side.
14. Stitch one panel onto the right side of the middle panel with the pocket right sides together and one panel to the left side of the middle panel with the pocket right sides together.
15. Open out each side and stitch a top seam.
16. Repeat steps 5 through 15 to make the other side of your duffel bag.
17. Take your zipper and open it up.
18. Pin one side of your zipper to one side of the bag right sides together and sew it one.
19. Fold the zipper out and top stitch it down.
20. Pin the other side of the zipper to the other side of the bag right sides together and sew it on as well.
21. Fold the zipper out and top stitch it down.
22. Remove all metal parts from your belts.
23. Pin one belt along the sides of the middle panel and sew down both sides of the strap stopping where the top of the pocket starts.
24. Repeat with the other belt for the other side.

25. Pin the two sides of the bag right sides together and sew the bottom part closed.
26. Create a circle template with the circumference equal to the length of the total measurement of the side of the bag.
27. Cut 2 circles out of your left over umbrella fabric.
28. Pin a circle to one side of the bag and sew together.
29. Repeat on the other side with the other circle.
30. Be careful when sewing over the zipper.
31. Turn the bag inside out and look at the completed project!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Red Hot Homecoming

Ohmygoodness! So I definitely have a style that is mine mine mine! Hahaha! Thats all I can really say about it. so I recently had homecoming at my school. I wanted to wear something that I had made but I couldn't decide what. So I went to a local thrift store and shopped around for dresses that I could remake. As I was looking I ran across the perfect one!! It is red with white polka dots and looks like something Lucille Ball would wear. Though it was a bit too big and a bit too long but who better to fix that than me? Hahaha!

Red Hot dress that needs altering
Sewing supplies

1. Try on the dress and measure how much you need to take the size in and how much shorter you need to make it.
2. Be sure you somehow mark what you need to do whether it be with pins or chalk
3. Take off the dress and pin the area around the waist band that you need to take in
4. Stitch the area down that you pinned.
5. Measure how much you need to shorten the dress and put a pin every 2 inches
6. Using a needle and thread stitch a couple stitches to tack down the hem at each pin. By doing this you will give your dress the bubble effect.
7. Pair your dress with great make up. For me it was natural eyes with bright red lip stick.
8. Fix up your hair. I put mine to one side with bobby pins.
9. Accessorize. I wore a pearl necklace, pearl earrings, and sparkly silver shoes.
10. Be sure and take pictures!

Sparkle Sparkle Sash

My mom had this dress that she used to wear ALL THE TIME when I was little! I LOVED it! It is the great silvery black sparkly material! I mean when I was little sparkle fabric is a GREAT distraction. Hahaha! So recently I was helping my mom clean out her closet out the with old styles and in with the new. You know? Anyways she pulled out THE DRESS and said well I guess this length is not really in style anymore so I think I am going to get rid of it! First thought through my head, "WHAT NO WAY??!!" So of course me being the upcycling fiend that I am I asked if I could have it. I took one look at it and knew exactly what I was gonna do!

1 long out of style dress made out of FABULOUS material
Strip of material that matches the fabric of your dress
A sewing machine
Some sewing pins
Needle and Thread or sewing machine

1. Pick out a out of style dress that is made of FABULOUS fabric.

2. Measure how long you want your dress and how much you need to cut off.
3. Add 1/2 to the length of your dress for hem allowance.
4. Cut off the bottom length of the dress.

5. Using your sewing pins pin a half inch seam on the bottom of the dress and stitch.
6. Using the bottom part of the dress you just cut off pin a cowl neck to the neck of the dress and stitch.
7. Using the strip of left over fabric that I had you get after you put on the dress tie it on as a sash.
8. Go out and look beautiful!!

Plunging Halter

Ok so I am going to make a disclaimer about this shirt. It plunges REALLY low so my advice wear a tank top under it or a tube top. I made this shirt early one morning probably about 7 in the morning!! It took me no time at all! I was digging around in my closet trying to find something cool and comfortable to wear to help my mom move furniture and set up her kindergarten classroom. After I could not fund anything that suited my needs a grabbed a huge t shirt that I had won at a football game and turned on the youtube video I had watched before.
1 Large T-Shirt
Measuring tape
Chalk or a pencil
Needle and thread or sewing machine


Here are some pictures of mine mid way through the process!! Enjoy!!

When I Grow Up

When I's agonna grow up I's ado creative an clothes!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tee Shirt Sweeeeatshirt

My sister studied abroad in South America, Chile to be exact, and brought me back a soccer shirt. Not just any shirt it was a Club de Fútbol Profesional de la Universidad de Chile shirt. Have you ever heard of the term lost in translation? Well that is the moral of this story right now. My sister was shopping for something to bring back to me when she stopped at a roadside stand to get me a shirt. She asked the lady for a small which here in the United States most people assume is an Adult Small but in Chile its just a small, a child's small. My sister brought the shirt home to me and not until she unfolded the shirt to give it to me did she realize what had happened. It was hilarious! I knew I wanted to be able to wear the shirt so I made it so that I could.

Here is what to do:

3 tee shirts
Sewing Machine
24 inch Zipper

1. Cut the first shirt that you want for the bodice down the middle of the front.
2. Cut a good size band off the bottom of the second shirt. The shirt that you want for the bottom band of your shirt.
3. Cut that band down the middle and pin it to the first shirt lining up the middle and sides.
4. Stitch the seam.
5. Using a seam ripper remove the sleeves from the first shirt and save the sleeves you will be making pockets with them later.
6. Using a seam ripper remove the sleeves from the third shirt and pin them to the first shirt.
7. Sew the sleeves on to the shirt.
8. Using a piece of cardboard cut out a template in the shape of a hood.
9. Using the template cut the shape of a hood out of the third shirt lining the face edge of the hood up with the hem of the shirt.
10. Pin the hood onto the neck of the shirt and stitch a seam.
11. Turn the sleeves of the first shirt inside out and stitch the bottom closed.
12. Turn the sleeves back right side out and stitch them to the front and bottom of the bodice.
13. Pin the zipper to each side of the bodice and stitch it on.
14. Put on the Sweatshirt and Enjoy!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Here is a word that describes what I do.

Definition: Re-using materials to create something fresh and modern.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Treasured Ties

So I got this AWESOME idea in the middle of the night one night and I had to call my mom down to my room to tell her about it. I wanted to make a skirt out of old ties. We went around to my step-dad and grandpa and got some ties. Can you believe one of the ties I got was from 1968!!!! AND another one was from SCOTLAND! How cool is that?
I started taking them apart and sewing. Once I had them all sewn together I realized that instead of a skirt the ties were definitely long enough to make a dress. So I did!

When you look at my pictures you will notice that I paired my dress with some awesome accessories. I paired it with my string of pearls from a previous post, a black belt underneath my bust, and some snazzy clear healed heals with silver and diamond stud accenting!

Here is what you need to do:

Old Ties
2 bands of elastic, one for above your bust and one for below.
Sewing Machine.
Seam Ripper

1. Grab some ties! I used 17 but that may vary depending on your size.
2. First, take off the label with the seam-ripper, being careful not to rip the tie.
3. With a seam ripper or very sharp scissors begin taking out the center back seam of your ties.
4. Once all seams and threads have been removed from your ties you will need to press them flat.
5. Begin pinning the ties right sides together.
6. Stitch the seams and then press them flat.
7. After those 2 steps you should have a panel of ties.
8. Measure how long you want your dress.
9. Fold the skinny ends of the ties towards the inside of your dress making your dress the length you want it.
10. Sew a one inch casing to put your elastic in.
11. Measure from the top of your bust to the bottom of your bust.
12. Using that measurement make another one inch casing that far below your first one.
13. Put the elastic in each casing and pin.
14. Pin the last and final side seam and sew.
15. Put on your dress, pair it with some GREAT accessories, and go out!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shorten Your Smock

I found my mom's old business kind of dress thing and it was cute fabric, BUT it was WAY too long! I decided to update it so I could re-wear the dress. Check it out and see what you think.

Here is what to do:

One dress that needs shortening
Sewing machine

1. Put on the dress and measure how short you want it.
2. When you cut off the extra fabric leave about an inch for than the length that you want the finished product.
3. Fold a hem at the bottom of the dress and sew.
4. Put on the dress and check it out as you can see I have paired my dress with the necklace I made in the last post!

Beautify Your Beads

I found this GREAT long string of pearls but decided that it was not up to date. I went scavenging for other beads to add. I glammed and glitzed my string of beads up! Now they look A-M-A-ZING! They also match the new dress I just made which is gonna be my next post! Check it out!
Here is what you do:

An Old Necklace, for me it was a string of pearls.
Some pretty beads that you want to add.
Stretchy beading string.

1. Cut the old necklace saving the beads in a bowl.
2. Cut the length of stretchy string that you want.
3. Start stringing.
4. Tie off the necklace with a
5. Enjoy your necklace!

Reinvent Your Wreath

My mom loves hanging decorations on our back door, but what do you put up in between holidays. We couldn't find one that she liked at the store so she decided to make one. We found all of the supplies in our garage. What do you think?

Here is What to Do:

1 Old Wreath
Some Fake Flowers and A Small Birdhouse
Hot Glue Gun

Glue the old flowers and birdhouse to the wreath.
Hang on the door

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friendship Bracelets

So I LOVE making friendship bracelets! I am currently wearing about 12 on my wrist! They are super easy to make and super cute to wear! Just follow the instructions on this website!

Paint Your Pottery/Tables

Hahaha! So Interesting post name I know. Its a mixture of a bunch of things I/ my mom painted. I just got home from a pottery painting place! I had a blast! I am gonna put a picture up of what I painted. What I did was called masking. I just used masking tape. I'll put a picture of the finished product up in about a week!

As for the table. My mom has recently begun the adventure of cleaning out our garage. While she was cleaning she found a white wooden lamp post and a yellow table that were in desperate need of a repainting. she decided that she was going to paint them to look like pieces of folk art to put in her classroom. I think that they turned out ADORABLE!!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tie Dye Designs

So I have been asked how to make a heart shaped design for tie dying.

I am going to research it and get back to you!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Show Your Shorts

So I had this GREAT pair of old jeans from American Eagle. They fit awesome in the waist but in the length area they fall short literally! I decided to take my scissors to them and create a wicked new pair of summer shorts.

Here is What to Do:
• 1 Pair of old but usable jeans
• Some Scissors
• A sewing machine or supplies for sewing by hand
1. Put on your pants and measure how long you want your shorts.

2. Leaving yourself a few extra inches cut off the legs of the pants

3. Roll up the pants creating a one inch cuff at the end of each leg
4. Sew a seam around the leg.
5. Show off your legs in your new pair of shorts!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Green Groceries

I love going to the grocery store with my mom. Why? Because cooking is another form of art though that would be my sister's forte not mine. Did you know that in a landfill plastic bags take up to 100 years to degrade!! And even then they don't just go away they break down into tiny pieces of plastic that threaten our ecosystem. I am going to show you a substitution for plastic bags.
Here is what to do:

• A few old shirts. I used tank tops so that I wouldn’t have to cut off the sleeves, but you can use t-shirts.
• Sewing machine or materials to sew by hand.

• If you are using a t-shirt cut off the sleeves.
• Flip the shirt inside out and stitch the bottom hems together closing off the shirt.
• Flip your shirt right side out and head to the store!

Flirty from the 40's

So I had some extra fabric in my fabric draw when I got the idea for a dress. What better way to reduce your carbon footprint than to use left over fabric to make my dress rather than drive my emissions producing vehicle to the store to spend money that I don't have? I mean look at that lace its BEAUTIFUL! For this dress I used simplicity pattern #2884.Though I did alter the pattern a bit because it was not intended to have a lace overlay. So I modified it and it turned out just fine. The only thing to be aware of is how it is a bit difficult to put in a zipper. This was my first time to put in a zipper and it went pretty smoothly thanks to the video on youtube though I will admit I did have to use a seem ripper a time or two. Hope your dress turns out as pretty as mine.

In this picture I paired my dress with some colorful Gerber Daisies and some sleek pointy triangle toed pumps!

Primp Your Party Dress

How many of you have those 80's dresses at the back of your closet? Don't deny it! Everybody has at least one. Or in my case my mom had one. Believe it or not with some modifications the 80's is slowly coming back in to style. I took one look at the dress I found and thought, "Now this is something I can work with." It wasn't bad before I got a hold of it. The bodice had a deep V at the front waist which I took out with some nipping and tucking. Next I moved the bow at the back higher up so that is covered the top of the zipper. Lastly I paired it with some lovely shoes, my Chuck Taylors, bringing my retro inspired punk fashion. Notice in the picture I put bows on my Chucks to match the dress!

Vintage V-Necks

This throwback to the 60’s is super easy.
Here is what you do:
• Grab a few old white V-Necks
• Get a tie dye kit from your local craft store. I have heard that spray paint works just as well. Though I haven’t tried it.
• Get a box of soda ash either from a local craft store, local grocery store detergent aisle, or swimming pool supply store.
• A bucket that holds about 2 gallons of water
• A clean work space where it doesn’t hurt to get it a little messy
1. Wash your v-necks
2. Using your bucket follow the directions that come with your soda ash. Let the V-necks soak in the gallon of water and soda ash for about 20 minutes. I wouldn't skip this step because it helps the dye adhere to the v-neck.

3. Using rubber bands fold or roll your shirts. Experiment with a variety of patterns. Some of the ones I used are the spiral, the sunburst, and the bull’s eye.

4. Follow the instructions with your dye kit about how to mix your dye.

5. After you have tie dyed your shirts wrap them in saran wrap and let them sit for 10-15 hours in a cool damp place.

6. After the 10-15 hours rinse out the shirts. I did this by hanging them on clothes line and spraying them down with the hose.

7. Let them dry out and them wash them in the washer and dryer.
8. Enjoy your colorful new creation!!

Crop Your Top

Got an old t-shirt that needs a fresh new look? I did. I raided my brother’s closet, with permission don't worry, and decided to turn this cool Bob Marley t-shirt into a halter top.
Here is how I did it:

· An Old t-shirt

· Band of elastic as tight as you want to bottom of your shirt to be

· A safety pin

· Scissors

· Either a sewing machine or a needle and thread

· Strip of jersey from another t-shirt


1. Cut off the sleeves and save them you might need them for another project

2. Cut the of the neck of the shirt from shoulder to shoulder going right under the collar through both layers

3. Flip the shirt over and cut out the rectangle of back going from bottom of the arm hole to bottom of arm hole. BE SURE TO ONLY CUT THE BACK LAYER!

4. Flip the shirt back over and stitch a one inch casing on the neck portion of the t-shirt

5. Hook your safety pin to your extra piece of jersey fabric and pull through the casing.

6. Use your scissors to clip some stitches and open a small hole in the hem of your t-shirt

7. Again use your safety pin to guide the elastic through the bottom hem of the t- shirt.

8. Connect the two ends of the elastic and stitch together.

9. Put the elastic inside the hem and re-stitch the stitches that you tore out.

10. Try the t-shirt on and mark two darts on each side of the back of the t-shirt so that it fits comfortably.

11. Stitch down the darts

12. Put your shirt on and admire your handiwork.

Here are some other variations on basically the same shirt.